Kennedy, Ian G

Education Skills For 21St Century Teachers: Voices From A Global Online Educators' Forum.[Libro Electrónico] por Ian G Kennedy, Gloria Latham y Hélia Jacinto - 123 páginas: centímetros - SpringerBriefs in Education .

Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Contents Abstract Colophon Mostrar Nivel 1.— Introduction Mostrar Nivel 2.— Mixed Methods Mostrar Nivel 3.— The Literature Review Mostrar Nivel 4.— Results Of Thematic Analysis Mostrar Nivel 5.— Comparative Analysis Findings Mostrar Nivel 6.— Discussion Mostrar Nivel 7.— Conclusion Appendixthe Posters Glossary References Supplied By Posters

This monograph presents the current views, challenges and future needs of educators from a global online exchange where educators and researchers discuss the 21st century skills needed by students and teachers. The three editors, who participated in the global online research discussion group, also assumed the role of authors to summarise, analyse and celebrate the myriad of ideas generated in a topic thread that had well over a thousand responses from 26 countries. Through Comparative Analysis they then compared the posters'ideas to some current big thinkers in education. This text promotes teachers'voices from diverse disciplines and sectors who are united in their desire for purposeful and radical change in how teaching is carried out and what is taught. The text advocates shifting power away from government control and standardisation towards empowering teachers to guide and further develop the unique talents of diverse individuals.


Teoría educativa
Ciencias de la educación
Modelo educacional


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