Chambers, Robert, 1802-1871

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation [recurso electrónico] / Robert Chambers - Project Gutenberg, 2004 - Project Gutenberg 7116 .

The bodies of space, their arrangements and formation -- Constituent materials of the earth and of the other bodies of space -- The earth formed: era of the primary rocks -- Commencement of organic life: sea plants, corals, etc. -- Era of the old red sandstone: fishes abundant -- Secondary rocks; era of the carboniferous formation; land formed; commencement of land plants -- Era of the new red sandstone; terrestrial zoology commences with reptiles; first traces of birds -- Era of the oolite; commencement of mammalia -- Era of the cretaceous formation -- Era of the tertiary formation: mammalia abundant -- Era of the superficial formations: commencement of present species -- General considerations respecting the origin of the animated tribes -- Particular considerations respecting the origin of the animated tribes -- Hypothesis of the development of the vegetable and animal kingdoms -- MacLeay system of animated nature; this system considered in connexion with the progress of organic creation, and as indicating the natural status of man -- Early history of mankind -- Mental constitution of animals -- Purpose and general condition of the animated creation -- Note conclusory.

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Creation Evolution (Biology)


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