Calhoun, A. R. 1844-

Healthful Sports for Boys [recurso electrónico] / A. R. Calhoun - Project Gutenberg, 2004 - Project Gutenberg 6129 .

Marbles: how played -- Whip tops and top games -- Kites and how made -- Hoops, wheels and buzzers -- Let's go a-fishing -- Boating and canoeing -- Small sail boats -- How to swim -- Styles of swimming -- Things boys should know -- Curious rhymes for games -- Tag and bull in the ring -- All about leap frog -- Duck on the rock; cat -- Ball, bat and racket -- American baseball -- All about football -- Mumbly peg; hop scotch -- How to camp out -- Bicycles and lassoes -- Golf, hockey and shinny -- Skating; skiing; snow shoeing -- Coasting; tobogganing; sleds -- General athletics -- Cries; shouts; college yells -- Clever tricks -- Sleight-of-hand.

Public domain in the USA.


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