Milne, A. A. 1882-1956

Not that it Matters [recurso electrónico] / A. A. Milne - Project Gutenberg, 2004 - Project Gutenberg 5803 .

The pleasure of writing -- Acacia Road -- My library -- The chase -- Superstition -- The charm of golf -- Goldfish -- Saturday to Monday -- The pond -- A seventeenth-century story -- Our learned friends -- A word for autumn -- A Christmas number -- No flowers by request -- The unfairness of things -- Daffodils -- A household book -- Lunch -- The friend of man -- The diary habit -- Midsummer day -- At the bookstall -- "Who's who" -- A day at Lord's -- By the sea -- Golden fruit -- Signs of character -- Intellectual snobbery -- A question of form -- A slice of fiction -- the label -- The profession -- Smoking as a fine art -- The path to glory -- A problem in ethics -- The happiest half-hours of life -- Natural science -- On going dry -- A misjudged game -- A doubtful character -- Thoughts on thermometers -- For a wet afternoon -- Declined with thanks -- On going into a house -- The ideal author.

Public domain in the USA.


English essays


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