Issa, Tomayess

Social networking and education: global perspectives [Libro electrónico] Por Tomayess Issa, editor [y otros dos] - 344 páginas: Tablas y Cuadros - Lecture notes in social networks .

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Part I Social Networking. — 1 Social Networking. — Part II Social Networking in Asia-Pacific. — 2 Social Networking in Australia: Opportunities and Risks. — 3 Students' Perception Towards the Potential and Barriers of Social Network Sites in Higher Education. — 4 Effect of Social Networking on Higher Education in India. — 5 Age and Gender Differences in Social Networking: Effects on South Korean Students in Higher Education. — 6 The Advantages and Risks of Using Social Networking in Higher Education in Pakistan. — Part III Social Networking in Europe. — 7 Social Networking in Higher Education: Students in The Netherlands. — 8 Higher Education Students' Perceptions of Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking in Portugal. — 9 An Examination of Greek College Students' Perceptions of Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking Use. — 10 Effects of Social Networking on Learning: The Opinions of Italian University Students. — Part IV Mediterranean, Turkey. — 11 Social Networking in Higher Education in Turkey: Students' Use and Perceptions. — 12 Effects of Social Media on Students: An Evaluation Approach in Turkey. — 13 Social Network Usage. — Part V Social Networking in North America. — 14 College Students' Perceptions of Positive and Negative Effects of Social Networking. — 15 How American Students Perceive Social Networking Sites: An Application of Uses and Gratifications Theory. — Part VI Social Networking in Mexico

The present work is intended to assist academics, researchers and proponents of online learning and teaching. Academics will be able to share the findings presented in this book, and the Social Networking and Education Model (SNEM), with their students (i.e. Masters and PhD). It is envisaged that this book will assist researchers and anyone interested in online learning to understand the opportunities and risks associated with the use of Social Networking in the education sector, and assist them to implement SN by means of the new SNEM model. The reader will benefit from our examinations of the risks and opportunities associated with the use of Social Networking in the education sector in various regions around the world: Asia-Pacific, Europe, Mediterranean, America, Middle East and the Caribbean. In addition, a Social Networking and Education Model (SNEM) will be developed to promote and implement Social Networking in the education sector. El presente trabajo está destinado a ayudar a académicos, investigadores y defensores del aprendizaje y la enseñanza en línea. Los académicos podrán compartir los hallazgos presentados en este libro, y el Modelo de Redes Sociales y Educación (SNEM), con sus estudiantes (es decir, Maestría y Doctorado). Se prevé que este libro ayudará a los investigadores y a cualquier persona interesada en el aprendizaje en línea a comprender las oportunidades y los riesgos asociados con el uso de las redes sociales en el sector educativo, y les ayudará a implementar SN a través del nuevo modelo SNEM. El lector se beneficiará de nuestros exámenes de los riesgos y oportunidades asociados con el uso de las redes sociales en el sector educativo en varias regiones del mundo: Asia-Pacífico, Europa, Mediterráneo, América, Medio Oriente y el Caribe. Además, se desarrollará un Modelo de Redes Sociales y Educación (SNEM) para promover e implementar las Redes Sociales en el sector educativo.

9783319177168 9783319177151

Tecnología educacional
Redes sociales

Educación en línea

371.33 / Is74

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