Millingen, J. G. 1782-1862

Curiosities of Medical Experience [recurso electrónico] / J. G. Millingen - Project Gutenberg, 2012 - Project Gutenberg 39074 .

Obesity -- Dwarfs -- Gigantic races -- Unlawful cures -- Voice and speech -- Ecstatic exaltation -- Varieties of mankind -- On the inhumation of the dead in cities -- Buried alive -- Spontaneous combustion -- Brassica eruca -- Cagliostro -- Lunar influence on human life and diseases -- Spectacles -- Leeches -- Somnambulism -- Medical powers of music -- The food of mankind -- Influence of imagination -- Ancient ideas of phrenology -- Perfumes -- Love philters and potions -- Ventriloquism -- Chaucer's description of a physician -- Dæmonomania -- The plague -- Abstinence -- Poison of the upas, or ipo -- Homophagous and polyphagous -- Causes of insanity -- Leprosy -- The aspic -- Selden's comparison between a divine, a statesman, and a physician -- The lettuce -- Medical fees -- Enthusiasm -- Medical effects of water -- Proverbs and sayings regarding health and disease -- The night-mare -- Incubation of diseases -- Quackery and charlatanism -- On the use of tea -- Mandragore -- Barber-surgeons, and the progress of chirurgical art -- On dreams -- On flagellation -- On life and the blood -- Of the homoeopathic doctrines -- Doctrine of signatures -- Coffee -- Aqua tophania -- Plica polonica and human hair -- Animal magnetism -- Poisonous fishes -- Memory and the mental faculties -- Affections of the sight -- Hellebore -- Sympathies and antipathies -- The Archeus of Van Helmont -- Monsters -- Longevity -- Cretinism -- Temperaments -- Solar influence -- Sweating fever -- Smallpox -- Drunkenness -- Decapitation -- Mummies -- Hydrophobia -- Rise and progress of medicine -- Medicine of the Chinese -- Experiments on living animals.

Public domain in the USA.




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