Modern Essays [recurso electrónico] - Project Gutenberg, 2011 - Project Gutenberg 38280 .

American literature / John Macy -- Mary White / William Allen White -- Niagara Falls / Rupert Brooke -- The almost perfect state / Don Marquis -- "The man o' war's 'er 'usband" / David W. Bone -- The market / William McFee -- Holy Ireland / Joyce Kilmer -- A familiar preface / Joseph Conrad -- On drawing / A.P. Herbert -- O. Henry / O.W. Firkins -- The mowing of a field / Hilaire Belloc -- The student life / William Osler -- The decline of drama / Stephen Leacock -- America and the English tradition / Harry Morgan Ayres -- The Russian quarter / Thomas Burke -- A word for autumn / A.A. Milne -- "A clergyman" / Max Beerbohm -- Samuel Butler / Stuart P. Sherman -- Bed-books and night-lights / H.M. Tomlinson -- The precept of peace / Louise Imogen Guiney -- On lying awake at night / Stewart Edward White -- A woodland Valentine / Marian Storm -- The elements of poetry / George Santayana -- Nocturne / Simeon Strunsky -- Beer and cider / George Saintsbury -- A free man's worship / Bertrand Russell -- Some historians / Philip Guedalla -- Winter mist / Robert Palfrey Utter -- Trivia / Logan Pearsall Smith -- Beyond life / James Branch Cabell -- The fish reporter / Robert Costes Holliday -- Some nonsense about a dog / Harry Esty Dounce -- The fifty-first dragon / Heywood Broun.

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