Haviland, Maud D. 1889-1941

Lives of the Fur Folk [recurso electrónico] / Maud D. Haviland - Project Gutenberg, 2011 - Project Gutenberg 37127 .

The story of Redpad the fox: The spring rains. The hunters. First blood. How the debt was paid. The sheep slayer. From Kilmanagh to Knockdane -- The story of Fluff-Button the rabbit: How Fluff-Button cried quits. The spring longing. The invasion of Garry's Hill. The fear that was in the way. Under the moon -- Stories from the life of Grimalkin the cat: The first hunting. The stealthy death. The collared buck. Zoe. Where the battle is to the strong -- The biography of Stubbs the badger: The twilight hunters. Borrigan's baiting. The Larch Hill 'earth.'

Public domain in the USA.




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