Palmer, Alice Freeman, 1855-1902

The Teacher : Essays and Addresses on Education [recurso electrónico] / Alice Freeman Palmer - Project Gutenberg, 2011 - Project Gutenberg 36774 .

I. Problems of school and college: The ideal teacher. Ethical instruction in schools. Moral instruction in schools. Self-cultivation in English. Doubts about university extension. Specialization. The glory of the imperfect -- II. Harvard papers: The new education. Erroneous limitations of the elective system. Necessary limitations of the elective system. College expenses. A teacher of the olden time [Professor Sophocles] -- III. Papers by Alice F. Palmer: Three types of women's colleges. Women's education in the nineteenth century. Women's education at the World's Fair. Why go to college?

Public domain in the USA.


Education Education, Higher Women -- Education


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