The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science [recurso electrónico] - Project Gutenberg, 2008 - Project Gutenberg 25509 .

Hypnotism : Its history, practice and theory / Bramwell -- Natural history / Buffon -- Vestiges of creation / Chambers -- Surface of the globe / Cuvier -- Origin of species / Darwin -- Elements of chemical philosophy / Davy -- Experimental researches in electricity / Faraday -- Chemical history of a candle / Faraday -- Senses of insects / Forel -- Dialogues on the system of the world / Galileo -- Essays in eugenics / Galton -- Evolution of man / Haeckel -- On the motion of the heart and blood / Harvey -- Outlines of astronomy / Herschel -- Cosmos, a sketch of the universe / Humboldt -- Theory of the Earth / Hutton -- Zoological philosophy / Lamarck -- Physiogonomical fragments / Lavater -- Animal chemistry / Liebig -- Principles of geology / Lyell -- Treatise on electricity and magnetism / Maxwell -- Nature of man / Metchnikoff -- Prolongation of life / Metchnikoff -- Old red sandstone / Miller -- Principia / Newton -- Anatomy of vertebrates / Owen -- Cellular pathology / Virchow.

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